Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Parental Rights Amendment -- Get on Board

Although our interests may vary, one interest I have that I believe you will agree is absolutely vital is the liberty of American parents to decide for themselves how to raise and teach their children. Changes in American courts and new standards of international law are threatening these rights, as hard as that may be to believe. Please check out this one web page, and see if maybe you become as concerned about this as I am: Please take a few minutes to look this over and consider what you want to do about it – for the sake of our country, and for the sake of our children. I’m already on the email list, and I’m proud to support the Parental Rights Amendment.

Friday, March 20, 2009

And the winner is. . .Sally Clarkson!

Last weekend, I traveled with 4 other women to the Hearts at Home conference. I'd wanted to attend for the last six years but hadn't made it there until now. I am so very glad that I went! I had a wonderful time with the "girls" and the workshops I sat in were absolutely fabulous! I've heard some incredible speakers in the past, but there was just no topping the uplifting and encouraging talks from people like Sally Baucke, Dr. Kevin Leman, Sue Heimer, Karen Ehman, and Bill and Pam Farrel.

The best of the best though was Sally Clarkson. Sally has been a favorite speaker and author of mine for many years, yet I have never been as encouraged as I was listening to her words of encouragement last weekend. She and her husband, Clay, run Whole Heart Ministries. I long to have Sally as my personal friend and mentor. Unfortunately, I just have to soak up every little bit of her wisdom that I can get hearing her speak every few years, reading her books, looking over her website, and stalking her blog. If you ever have the opportunity to hear Sally speak, read her books, meet her, or share a meal with her, drop everything to do it! You won't be sorry, I promise.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slaying Giants

I never write on this blog. I really hate that I never write on this blog because I really, really have a strong desire to write. I know what my problem is though and I'm taking steps to fix it. I am a perfectionist, plain and simple. My perfectionism takes over and gets me all flustered. I then figure there is no way that I can possibly write anything as I am too worried about my word placement, my adverbial clauses, spelling, prepositional phrases, capitals, periods, semicolons, and on and on the list progresses. So I don't write. Today I am tackling my perfectionistic giant and just writing for the sake of writing. For my kids, I will just write and not worry about the technical stuff. They truly don't care anyway.

I do have one other problem though. I always come up with exactly what I want to write about when I am in the shower. Unfortunately, my computer is not in the shower with me so I lose the thought by the time I get a chance to sit and type. The thoughts about what I wanted to write have completely vanished from my brain, along with the list of what I need to do that day, what I was planning to cook for dinner, and what the temperature is supposed to be. That's how it is for me. If I think about it, it better get written down immediately or it's lost in the myriad of other thoughts and ideas, never to return, unless of course it comes to me during my next shower! I'm working on this problem too, but it seems to be an even bigger giant to slay than the perfectionism. Any suggestions?